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Ready to Conquer Your Social Media?

  1. Conquer Your Customer

At the core of good content is a true knowledge of your ideal customer. You should know more than a few basic things about your customer, you must know their deepest fears, desires and everything in between before presenting them with a link to purchase.

2. Prepare to Start Marketing

There are a few things to think about before conquering your marketing. Start with setting goals , remove your emotions and focusing on solutions. Watch this video for a detailed breakdown.

3. Create Content That Sells

There‘s a major difference between content that engages and content that drives sales. Try these tips in your content consistently to drive more leads and sales than ever before.

4. Add in Great Branding

Need some tips on creating a brand that kills your competition? Here are a few things besides your visuals that fit our definition of strong online branding.

5. Marketing vs Branding

While these two seem the same, marketing and branding are different lanes in your business. If you want a simple explanation, watch this short video lesson.

I’ll be honest, I’m not really interested in “coaching” you….

Over the past few years, I've developed a blueprint to conquer social media consistency. I used it myself to sell my own products & services and taught it to thousands of others over the past few years. While my blueprint for more engagement, sales & exposure works, there's often a new hurdle to conquer: THE DAILY EXECUTION.

Instead of having a coaching-based program, we focus on collaboration AND execution. We do this through 1:1 coaching plus a dedicated team member to help you M-F inside your business, Conquer Concierge.

This isn’t just a coaching program, it’s a team member, already fully trained ready to assist you with your social media strategy. They’ll be fully up to speed with your coaching from Deb, help you brainstorm content ideas, post your content, engage with comments & find you new customers….Monday-Friday.

Conquer Concierge team members are available for hire part-time or full-time.

Hear what our clients are saying about Conquer Concierge…

The Conquer Club is Deb’s group mentorship full of accountability, exclusive help with execution, and monthly networking/coaching calls.

You’ll leave our group calls feeling refreshed, focused, inspired, and most importantly: you won’t feel alone.

If you’re an entrepreneur looking for your new group of friends-we’re looking for new members! Enroll now & view our upcoming events!

Want to network with some like-minded women?

Book Deb to Speak At Your Next Event

Deb Lester is a Marketing/Sales Consultant at Conquer with Deb, a business coaching and marketing company that helps women entrepreneurs conquer their fears and achieve their goals. With a background in corporate HR, Deb began business coaching after launching her own successful business. Her coaching thrived, and her clients were having amazing results, but some were too paralyzed with fear to make a move. These women were too afraid to do things like go live, post on social media, and promote themselves. Deb decided to transition away from a marketing agency and birthed Conquer with Deb, where they believe that if you can conquer your fear of being seen, you can conquer anything.

Since birthing Conquer, Deb has walked away from her career and built a team of her own. She has coached hundreds of black women across the country and now travels to speak, coach, and motivate women to conquer their fears. Deb hopes to become the #1 business lifestyle brand for black women, providing confidence, marketing, and sales strategies. Conquer with Deb offers an annual summer networking tour called Conquer + Cocktails, Conquer apparel, and the Conquer Club, a community for women entrepreneurs to support and motivate each other. Deb also hosts multiple marketing trainings via Zoom live inside The Conquer Club. In addition, Conquer with Deb gives out an annual $1,000 business grant to one lucky lady in Deb's hometown of Memphis, TN each year.

Deb recently expanded into the Philippines to create job opportunities and provide social media management to US-based women entrepreneurs.